Vishaka offers many services to choose from~
You must Provide your Precise Birth Information for these readings

Natal Chart Analysis- $150
This is 75 minute consultation session provides a thorough interpretation of your Vedic horoscope, Focusing on individual life tendencies, past, present, and future. It is reflective of karmic patterns including life purpose, right livelihood relationship patterns, personal strengths and areas that may provide challenges and growth opportunities. When you order your reading, you may let me know if there are any particular issues that you would like me to focus on. *
This is 75 minute consultation session provides a thorough interpretation of your Vedic horoscope, Focusing on individual life tendencies, past, present, and future. It is reflective of karmic patterns including life purpose, right livelihood relationship patterns, personal strengths and areas that may provide challenges and growth opportunities. When you order your reading, you may let me know if there are any particular issues that you would like me to focus on. *

Relationship Compatibility $150
This 75 minute consultation compares natal horoscopes for two people to gain deeper insight into interpersonal dynamics and compatibility for both personal or business relationships. The insights gained from this information can help us from repeating old patterns and move more confidently into the next phase of our relationship life. This reading is a Must for anyone thinking about getting Married! Be sure you provide your partner's exact Birth Information for the reading.
This 75 minute consultation compares natal horoscopes for two people to gain deeper insight into interpersonal dynamics and compatibility for both personal or business relationships. The insights gained from this information can help us from repeating old patterns and move more confidently into the next phase of our relationship life. This reading is a Must for anyone thinking about getting Married! Be sure you provide your partner's exact Birth Information for the reading.

Astrocartography $150
This hour consultation explores your personal geographic power zones on earth, where certain portions of your destiny can be expected to manifest more directly than in others.. Astrocartography can help reveal the best places to experience spiritual growth, career success, domestic harmony and improved health. Are you wanting to travel or are you in the midst of traveling and wondering where you want to go next? This is an amazing tool to guide you to a place where the planets may exert maximum power towards activating your potential. Read more about that HERE.
This hour consultation explores your personal geographic power zones on earth, where certain portions of your destiny can be expected to manifest more directly than in others.. Astrocartography can help reveal the best places to experience spiritual growth, career success, domestic harmony and improved health. Are you wanting to travel or are you in the midst of traveling and wondering where you want to go next? This is an amazing tool to guide you to a place where the planets may exert maximum power towards activating your potential. Read more about that HERE.
* The interpretive tools of Vedic Astrology are vast. In addition to the Natal (birth) chart there are 60 harmonic or Divisional charts and a unique system of planetary periods called Dashas that have nothing to do with transits or solar or lunar returns. Jyotish also considers Transits, Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions), Yogas (planetary combinations), Shad Bala (strength of planets), Murhurta (timing of events), and more.
" A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma" -Sri Yukteswar